Wednesday 21 October 2015

Normal life ...?

I’ve been back almost three weeks and it's was really difficult to get back into my ‘normal’ life – bare in mind that I had only traveled  2.5 hours away from my own front door and had only been in Calais for 36 hours so this will hopefully shed some light on what impact the jungle has on people.
For  several days I walked around in a daze;  fatigue and the drop in adrenaline completely overcame me, everything irritated me and tears were never far from the surface and I became ill.

Sadly support of my views on those in the jungle is virtually non-existent at home so I have felt very alone as I've processed what the past weeks have culminated in but so proud that I achieved so much on my own and latterly as part of an awesome team of like-minded people; they are my support network.

The images my eyes have seen and, both good and bad, and stories I was told will never leave me but the overwhelming urge to be back there helping is immense; the sooner I can get back there the better. 

I would without question urge people to go, even if just to volunteer in the warehouse. You don't have to go anywhere near the camp at all if this is not your 'thing'. It's actually more beneficial to the entire camp if volunteers just concentrate on sorting donations so please consider volunteering, it's a life-changing experience.

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